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Saturday, 24 January 2009

The creative process always starts with an idea, that can literally just pop into my head or can inspired by something i've seen or from a casual conversation, anything really. The idea can then knock around my head for days, weeks, even months, sometimes never ever ending up more than just an idea.
I always have several ideas floating around that i want to paint at any one time, some never ever end up anything more than an idea, while others make it to the digital design stage but no further, a few even end up as unfinished paintings, started but never completed, either through lack of enthusiasm or overlooked by commission work or a more promising idea, forgotton until the canvas needs to be used for something else. Iwould say 1 in 30 ideas may actually ever become a finished piece of work.
Like I said the beginning is mostly done in digital form, the computer is the 'sketchbook' and 'layout pad', ideas, colours and designs are all worked on and finished on the computer.

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